Google Smart Lock: The complete guide - ABC Tech


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Thursday, March 26, 2020

Google Smart Lock: The complete guide

Think fast: How many times a day do you pick up your phone to look at something? Unless you live in the tundra or have far more self-control than most, the answer probably falls somewhere between "quite a few" and "more than any sane person could count." Assuming you keep your device properly secured, that means you're doing an awful lot of unlocking — be it with your face, your fingerprint, or the code you tap or swipe onto your screen.

Security's important, but goodness gracious, it can be a hassle.

Thankfully, there's a better way. Google Smart Lock provides a variety of options for keeping your Android phone unlocked in preapproved, known-to-be-safe circumstances. It’s an easily overlooked but incredibly useful feature that lets you create a sensible balance between security and convenience. And once you set it up, it's simple as can be to use.

To read this article in full, please click here

from Computerworld

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